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DAQ 軟體

Elsys > DAQ Software
  • Data Acquisition Software

    Data Acquisition Software

    Data Acquisition Software
    TranAX 4

    TranAX 4是數據採集軟體,可將您的數據採集硬體轉移到數據採集解決方案中。 無需繁瑣的軟體安裝,只需單擊幾下就可以安裝數據採集軟體TranAX並準備進行測量。

  • Ballistic Analysis Software

    Ballistic Analysis Software

    Ballistic Analysis Software
    BallAX 4

    BallAX 4 is used to acquire and analyse measurement data from firearms, guns, artillery, projectiles and grenades using different ammunition and explosive propellants. Data gathered by the software aids in determining the accuracy and consistency of a projectile before it exits a firearm. Manufacturers of firearms ranging from basic hunting rifles to critical military artillery will benefit from the precision data afforded by this industry-specific software module.
